Who is The Modern Jane?
I went through a lot of ideas trying to come up with the perfect name for this blog. I wanted something that sounded kind of retro-slang, that represented woman at her sexiest, most confident, most vivacious self. So I started looking up slang. I looked up broad, dame, tart, kitty, doll, diva, and plenty of others with which I was vaguely familiar. As I really thought about it I realized that all of these terms were really derogatory. A diva is a woman who is self-centered and entitled. A broad was a prostitute. And what is a doll but decoration, something to be played with and dressed up and bossed around?
So I settled on Jane. As the femme equivalent of John, the name has an “everywoman” sense of relatability to it; add the chic sensibilities of the modern woman, and you have the Modern Jane, who is at once fashionista, recessionista, and always feminista.
As much as I want to write all about fabulous pretty shiny vintage-y things, I want everyone to know that this is a venue to express a love for vintage style and grace, not for vintage ideas. It is as much about the life of a modern woman as it is about her proclivity toward polka dots, pin-curls, finger-waves and pearls. It is an assertion of the firm belief that women play dress-up not to gain the lustful attention of men but to empower themselves and enjoy the process of living and growing as a woman in a world that wants her to be a commodity.
The Modern Jane firmly states that she will not be a commodity; she will not be sold or sold out. She’ll kick ass at her higher-paying-than-her-husband-job and look damn fine doing it.
In short, expect great things from her, and don’t expect her to behave.